Car Buyer Labs

Car Buying Advice, Tips, and Reviews

A woman is on her laptop looking at a current auto news page on SUVs.

The Best Sources for Helpful Auto News

We live in a strange world, in a time that is simultaneously referred to as the “information age” and the “post-truth era,” so how are you to know where to find news about cars and what you can trust? There are a lot of resources out there with information and a lot of people who are more than happy to share their opinion with you about just about any car or truck you can imagine. But finding useful and helpful current auto news is not always as easy as it should be.

The good news, however, is that it is easier than you might think to get helpful information and to tell what is really meaningful from what is meaningless noise. Finding trustworthy sources is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to any kind of information, including auto news that can really help you. You also want to be sure to find sources that are updated regularly and frequently – there is nothing worse than spending 10 minutes reading an informative article only to discover it is from 15 years ago and the data is completely outdated.

Let’s look at some different types of outlets and sources of current auto news that you should keep in mind whenever you want to know about what’s going on.

Dedicated Auto News Sites

Certain websites are completely dedicated to providing you with current auto news and information about the automotive industry. These are sites that usually have “car” or “auto” in the site name and you know exactly what they are about. Among the most popular of these sites are “Car and Driver” and “Motor Trend,” both of which are dedicated to current and useful information about the auto industry.

These kinds of sites are great because their focus is on one thing: the auto industry. You know you are going to get current auto news from them, and they typically have clear information about their sources of that news – usually a manufacturer or similar source. Writers on these sites are people with a deep interest and background in the auto industry, so they tend to get excited about new cars and interesting developments or reveals announced at shows.

General News Sites

A phone, laptop, and newspaper displaying news headlines are on a table next to a coffee cup.

A lot of general news sites that cover all kinds of different subjects also include a section dedicated to providing current auto news to readers. This can include just about any major news outlet such as MSN, CNN, or even Google news. Since these sites are not solely dedicated to the auto industry, you will typically only see major stories on them, whereas dedicated auto sites are more likely to cover minor events or stories.

It is also worth noting that you will typically see a lot of overlap when it comes to stories on these general news sites and dedicated ones. For example, if you are interested in big reveals at a recent auto show, you will likely find the same information whether you go on Motortrend or CNN. The difference, however, is that the Motortrend article might go into greater depth, and there are likely to be other articles about smaller announcements or details that the major news outlets do not bother to report on.

Automotive Blogs

There are also numerous websites that host blog posts about the auto industry and typically include current auto news and announcements (spoiler alert: you’re reading one of them right now!). The advantage of a blog site is that you are likely to find a wider range of information and posts about all sorts of different subjects, as opposed to just cold reporting of facts. If you like a wide range of subject matter within the auto industry, then a good blog is a great place to get lost for a few hours reading about lots of different things.

The other advantage that a blog has is that you are more likely to find opinions from writers there rather than just factual information. Of course, this can also be a bad thing if the opinion flies in the face of reason or evidence-based facts that should be reported on. Such a wide range of opinions on various subjects is a great way to discover new things and consider ideas you might have otherwise never imagined – just remember to keep an open mind and always look for data to back up wild assertions.

Social Media

As social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become more popular over the years, they have also served as ways to relay current auto news to subscribers. There are numerous inherent problems with the use of social media for news, however, including the limited format of such posts, the mixture of advertising and news relayed indiscriminately, and the lack of any credentials for people to post on those platforms. Social media posts can be fun and interesting, but don’t use them to find out all the latest in-depth information about a car show or new lineup from a manufacturer. There’s better info out there.

A man is using his smartphone while standing next to a blue car looking up current auto news.

Manufacturer Websites

Of course, the one thing that all of the above outlets and platforms have in common is that they are secondary sources. They get information from manufacturers through press releases, auto shows, and other methods and then convey that to readers in a way that is informative and/or entertaining. Sometimes, however, you can skip that and get current auto news for yourself straight from the manufacturer.

Manufacturer websites have a great deal of useful information including specs for vehicles, announcements of upcoming models, and details about recalls. Of course, that manufacturer has something to sell, and the information provided will almost always have a bias that favors their product over others. But as long as you keep that in mind, the data and news posts they provide can be extremely informative, if somewhat dry.

Government Websites

The US government also has a long-standing interest in the automotive industry, so different government websites can be an excellent source for current auto news. This is especially true for any data or information in which the government is somehow involved. For example, safety testing and ratings on vehicles come from the Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). While you can find out about safety ratings from car manufacturers, you can also get a lot of information directly from the NHTSA website based on their research and ratings.

Similarly, the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are involved in evaluating and estimating fuel economy for vehicles in the US. You can use the fuel economy website provided by the federal government to view how those things are estimated and to compare different vehicles based on the data they provide. Digging through government websites might not be everyone’s idea of a good time, but the information is quite interesting and gives you a sense of where the specs manufacturers brag about come from.

Government websites can also provide current auto news when it comes to any recalls that are government-mandated. Some recalls are issued by manufacturers without intervention by the government, due to lawsuits or safety concerns. Other times, the government will step in and demand a recall; typically the NHTSA issues them. So you can look for updates or recent information about possible recalls through these websites too.


With all of those sources available to you online, this blog is an excellent source of information for tips, guides, and if you want to know more about different models. There are a lot of different sources out there, so don’t be afraid to click around and check them (and us) out for your current auto news or new (and used) model information.