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A well-dressed couple walking to the white 2024 Lexus TX parked in their driveway.

5 Reasons the Lexus TX is the Perfect SUV to Melt Away Stress from Driving in the City

Living in a major city has its perks, like proximity to amazing museums, theaters, restaurants, shopping, and more. However, there is no denying that driving in a big city is stressful. Traffic is constant. The sirens and the horns are never-ending. Pedestrians cross wherever they want, with zero regard for crosswalks or traffic signs. There might be tons of places you want to visit in a big city, but getting from point A to point B can put you through so much stress that you feel like you need a 90-minute yoga session once you arrive just to decompress. Luckily, if you’re shopping for a Lexus TX for sale, then you’re on the right track toward a vehicle that can help you decompress on your way to your destination. The Lexus TX has features and packages that come both standard and available across its lineup that will truly melt away the stress of driving in a big city. We’ll cover five of our favorites below.

#1 – Ambient Illumination

Colors and lighting can greatly impact your mood. Certain colors are associated with feelings of calmness and joy, while others can help you feel excited and energized. Brighter lights can perk you up, while dimmer lights can help chill you out. You can probably think of countless color and light combinations that could help you set the proper mood leading up to a variety of events, obligations, and activities. That’s why you’ll love having ambient lighting standard in the Lexus TX, trims TX 350 through TX 350 Premium AWD. In the higher trim levels, Thematic Ambient Illumination comes standard, so no matter which trim you choose, you’ll be able to enjoy this feature.

You can choose between a number of color options and a variety of themes on your touchscreen. The color theme you select will appear on the wireless charger, around door handles, in your cupholders, and around your feet. So whether you need to shake off a low mood with some upbeat lighting or you want to complement your current state with just the right vibe, you’ll love how a few swipes on your touchscreen let you create the perfect ambiance in your cabin.

#2 – Multi-Zone Climate Control With an Interior Air Filter

Pollution levels tend to be higher within major cities. With so many vehicles, from small sedans to huge buses, emitting fumes in congested streets, the air quality is less than ideal in metropolitan areas. Simply knowing that is enough to cause some stress. You can’t turn down the pollution levels on the city streets, but you can turn them down in your Lexus TX, thanks to the interior air filter. This filter can remove things like pollen, dust, smog, and other particles that make their way in through the vents. It can also eliminate odors. The result is a cabin where you can take clean, easy breaths without worrying you’ll accidentally catch a whiff of somebody’s cigarette.

The Multi-zone climate control is a nice touch, too. The weather can sometimes feel more extreme in the city. Snowy winters feel colder, and hot summers feel muggier. But with Mutli-zone climate control, you and your passenger can set the temperature and fan speed you desire, cutting down on arguments over the heat or air conditioning settings.

Side view of the front seats and dashboard in a 2024 Lexus TX for sale.

#3 – Lexus Memory System for the Driver’s Seat, Steering Wheel, and Outer Mirrors

If you live in a major cosmopolitan area, then you probably leave your vehicle with quite a few valets. Circling for a half hour and battling other vehicles for a tight parking spot is a level of stress you eventually decide not to take on. Toss the keys to the valet and get on with enjoying your day, right? Kind of. Unless the valet messes with those seat, mirror, and steering wheel settings that you worked so hard to get right. It’s not as if you remember the exact angle to which you set your seat back or the precise number of inches from the pedals you put your seat.

Luckily, the Lexus TX 350 Premium and higher has standard memory for the driver’s seat, steering wheel, and outer mirrors. So if a valet does mess with these, the vehicle will recall your preferred settings and automatically return to them the next time you turn on the ignition. This way you don’t have to spend a bunch of time resetting your seat when you return; the Lexus Memory System has your back—not just for the seat, but the outdoor mirrors and steering wheel as well.

#4 – Advanced Parking Systems That Park for You

Is there anything more competitive than parking in a major city? You’ll circle for an hour, and just when you think you’ve found a spot, you’ll need to make a seven-point turn just to get into it (and that’s if another car doesn’t swoop in first). Luckily, the Lexus TX has advanced parking systems that can actually take over tough parking jobs for you. That’s right. You can just press some buttons, sit back, and let the vehicle do its thing. Beyond Intuitive Parking Assist with Rear Cross-Traffic Braking, The Lexus LK has advanced parking assist packages you can choose from.

First, there’s the Advanced Park system package, which is available on the TX 350 Premium and higher trims. While you’re in the vehicle, after pushing the Advanced Park button, the vehicle will take over steering, braking, accelerating, and gear shifting to get you into a spot. It has sensors and cameras that monitor for surrounding obstacles to avoid scratches and dings so you can let your Luxus park for you with confidence.

Then, there’s Advanced Park with Remote Park. This system allows you to park your vehicle when you aren’t even in it. You read that correctly. Using your Lexus app via Bluetooth connectivity in your vehicle, you can park your SUV while you stand nearby and watch from outside. Considering how incredibly tight some parking spots are in the city, you’ve probably faced situations where you managed to squeeze your vehicle into a spot, but then you couldn’t open your doors enough to get you and your passengers out of the car. This feature eliminates that issue (and provides a genuinely VIP experience to be expected from a Lexus). This package is available on the TX 500h F Sport Performance Premium AWD and higher trims.

Rear view of a white 2024 Lexus TX 500h F SPORT Performance parked on a city street.

#5 – A 21-Speaker Mark Levinson PurePlay Surround Sound System

Finally, one of the best ways to melt away stress is to hear the sounds you want to hear (like music, audiobooks, and podcasts) and nothing you don’t. The Mark Levinson 21-speaker PurePlay Surround Sound system, optional on the TX 350 Premium through TX 500h F Sport Performance Premium AWD and standard on all trims beyond that, can provide such an experience. With 21 speakers, you’ll have nearly three speakers per passenger. So nobody should be complaining that they can’t hear the music or didn’t catch that word in the interview.

Pretend the City Isn’t There in the Lexus TX

You love the city. You chose to live in a big city for a reason. However, when you’re done with it for the day, you’re done with it. A luxury SUV like the Lexus TX can help you truly shut the outside world out and create a cabin space that you fall in love with. Drivers have plenty of options when it comes to creating their dream Lexus TX, from the way it looks, sounds, feels, and even smells. So whether it was a tough day at the office or a blind date that went badly that you’d like to forget, let the Lexus TX’s pristine cabin melt it all away.